Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This is mie diet plan!!

Skipped lunch + dinner just because of this CB ASS-signment!! Now i know why people say they prefer study life instead of working life, because they rather scratch head, bang head, rub eyes, poke eyes, sleepless night and bla bla bla just for assignments! This is soo "wonderful" no?

But it is true that study life is always better than working life. Because you don't even have excuses to say no to WORK like how u give excuses to urself or parents to skip classes. :D

Fyi, CB = Consumer Behaviour! not the CB that you people always say. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010


Here goes a random update of my life since I have neglected my blog for soo looong. lolz

Went for jap buffet @ Jogoya in a random weekend. Just so sudden of having such mood to go for buffet as at first we thought they were offering some promotions, but the promotion is on only Mon-Thurs! how fark! lolz

The only thing i like the most is FONDUE! ohh la la! Fondue lover here! :) Darling and I non-stop eating and everyone just looked at us as if like "we never eat fondue before". who cares? haha