Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sociology Presentation

Now i seriously know what is COLLEGE LIFE! ooops,should be DEGREE LIFE!

It might be easy for u to enter degree, but it is not easy to study! no joke ok!

Its so crazy that I'm repeating the same thing everyday. Morning go college, afternoon back home face blackbie till midnight just because of assignment!! It is worst than those people who work in office! they usually spend 5-6 hrs to face computer per day, and I'm facing the computer for more than 10 hrs PER DAY! 10 HOURS ok!

the only rest time i have its dinner and bubur on the phone with babe onn! and I'm glad that he was there for me that time, and i needed him so badly due to my assignment and stuff. I seriously need him when I'm extreeeeemely stressed and depressed over something. he is super important to mieeee! :)

here goes our Sociology Presentation pictures that took last few weeks ago. for more,visit FB! :)

group discussion.
we are the first one to present!
a proper group photo after presentation. thanks Maggie! :)

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